Gotta watch the unsteady longnecks

A Texas family got a big surprise this week when a giraffe they were feeding at a wildlife park lost its footing and crashed into their car’s windshield.

Kari Hill told FOX 4 that she, her two teenage sons and her 1-year-old granddaughter were parked in her car and were feeding the giraffe through her sunroof at the Fossil Rim Wildlife Center in Glen Rose, Texas, on Thursday.


“We were laughing and loving it, until all of a sudden the giraffe appeared to lose his footing and fell onto the windshield of the car, and in the sunroof,” Hill told the news station. “It went in slow motion as the windshield began to cave in on us and the giraffe’s body was coming in, and he was panicking with his limbs flailing.”

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