So, what happens to the rest of us when the Mahdi is released?
In general, traditional Shiite apocalyptic literature tends to portray the establishment of Islamic dominion under the Mahdi resulting in the subjugation and conversion of Jews along with other non-Muslims.
The deal for Iran is that it wins no matter what. If it kills all the Jews, directly or via proxies, if fulfills Quranic prescriptions. If it starts a world war, it wins by paving the path for the Mahdi’s return.
No matter how this proceeds, as long as conflict continues, Iran can win — theologically and politically.
[We have been pointing this out for two decades as Iran continues its progress to a nuclear warhead. The bien-pensants of the Obama clique consider this passé, but these are the same geniuses who thought that Hamas would evolve into a pragmatic-if-hostile governing body. — Ed]
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