Facebook is still censoring accurate data on COVID

Yesterday, we discovered that the company fact-checked, labeled, and limited the visibility of our article “Covid Vaccine mRNA In Breast Milk Shows CDC Lied About Safety.”


Public’s article was accurate. A new study in the Lancet demonstrated that there were trace amounts of vaccine mRNA in breast milk and that vaccine mRNA does not stay in the injection site. …

This is not a small matter. The CDC had repeatedly assured pregnant and breastfeeding women that it was safe to get vaccinated despite the fact that they had been excluded from the original vaccine trials.

[Is this a danger to nursing infants? No one knows, because the FDA hasn’t done any long-range testing on this issue. The study is published at Lancet, although it is very small in scope and not in any kind of blind study. This looks like the kind of preliminary finding that could trigger a wider and more comprehensive study. In any case, it’s not false, and it’s not something that should be suppressed. — Ed]

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