New: Jury returns FAFO acquittal in shooting of YouTube prankster

A jury on Thursday found a delivery driver not guilty in the shooting of a YouTube prankster who followed him around a mall food court earlier this year.

Alan Colie, 31, was acquitted of aggravated malicious wounding in the shooting of Tanner Cook, 21, who runs the “Classified Goons” YouTube channel. …


Jurors saw video of the shooting, which captures the confrontation between Cook and Colie lasting less than 30 seconds. The footage shows Cook approaching Colie as he picks up a food order. Cook looms over Colie while holding a cellphone about 6 inches from Colie’s face. The phone broadcasts the phrase “Hey dips—, quit thinking about my twinkle” multiple times through a Google Translate app.

In the video, Colie says “stop” three different times and tries to back away from Cook, who continues to advance. Colie tries to knock the phone away from his face before pulling out a gun and shooting Cook in the lower left chest. There is no pause between the moment he draws the weapon and fires the shot.

[The prosecutor argued that no reasonable person could have been in fear of imminent bodily harm in that situation, the threshold to use lethal force in self-defense. The jury clearly disagreed, and for good reason. What “reasonable person” would have done what Cook was doing in an unprovoked encounter, while physically imposing himself on Colie in this manner? If someone did something that crazy to me out of the blue, I’d be *very* concerned what that person would do next. And that’s why we have jury trials. This case never should have been prosecuted in the first place. As for Cook, he FAFO’d but didn’t learn a lesson from it; the AP says he’s still doing these ‘Jackass’-esque videos. — Ed]


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