No, Mr. Trump, the debates will go on

You know it. I know it. My little dog, MacDuff, knows that the G.O.P. debate at the Ronald Reagan (Peace be upon him.) Presidential Library in California last night was a shit show inside of a dumpster fire. The moderators embarrassed themselves (Dana Perrino, Survivor?). The candidates embarrassed themselves (Chris Christie, Donald Duck?). The audience learned nothing worthy of their time. It was tough to pick winners and losers although our Deanna tried here. However, a Trump senior adviser has suggested that the G.O.P. cancel any future debates so that we can concentrate our energies on defeating Joe Biden. Our answer is HALE TO THE NO!


Contrary to last night as evidence, Republican debates are a good thing. In theory that is.

[Under Ronna McDaniel? I’m not so sure. — Ed]

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