New: Comer to subpoena bank records of James Biden, Hunter Biden (updated)

House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer announced he will issue subpoenas for bank records for Hunter Biden and James Biden on Thursday as part of the House GOP impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden.


The announcement was made at the end of the committee’s first public hearing since Speaker Kevin McCarthy ordered the inquiry on Sept. 12.

“Today I will subpoena the bank records of Hunter Biden, James Biden and their affiliated companies,” Comer said, calling it the the “next step of this investigation.”

[This is the reason why Kevin McCarthy upgraded this from a committee investigation to an impeachment inquiry. That allows for broader use of subpoenas, including the kind of bank records that would normally be outside of ‘legislative purposes,’ the limit on congressional subpoena power outside of impeachment inquiries. UPDATE: I misread this as subpoenaing Joe Biden’s records; the article clearly says James. My apologies for the error. — Ed]

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