Carville to Maher: Left is "the most stupid, habitually naive people you can imagine"

“I find the left to be just annoying,” Carville told Maher. “The western far left is habitually the most stupid, naive people you can imagine. They come up with these really goofy constructs and it’s all about feeling good about yourself.”


Maher agreed and criticized progressives for demanding society cater to their feelings. “If your feelings are hurt, that’s more important than free speech,” he argued. …

“Most people don’t even know what they’re talking about,” Carville said. “The identity left are silly. They’re not evil, they’re just goofy.”

[He gets no argument from me, but the problem isn’t the silliness or stupidity. It’s that their stupidity is so influential, largely because most of their allies pander to it. Kudos to Carville and Maher for pushing back, but … — Ed]

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