Australian journalist Kristen Drysdale was curious if there’s anything you can’t name your baby in Australia, so she named her newborn son “Methamphetamine Rules,” reported Tuesday.
Drysdale, part of Australian Broadcasting Company’s (ABC) new show “What the FAQ,” aims to investigate the answers to viewers’ burning questions. The question, “what can I legally name my baby?,” has come up numerous times.
[At the risk of becoming an even grumpier old man shaking his fist at more clouds, this isn’t funny — it’s pathologically narcissistic on the part of the parents. Their role is to protect their child, not to make him a tool of their TV show by hanging a name on him that will last in government registries the rest of his life. As the report indicates, the birth records in Australia remain fixed forever, even if a name is changed later. The child apparently has no higher value to the parents than as a tool for their own vanity and self-promotion. — Ed]
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