Ahead of the 2024 Presidential Election, there are signs that donor money for the Democrat Party may be drying up. Love it or despise it, money is the life blood of campaigns. Cheering and yelling fans at rallies make great visuals, but the last election showed us that fans do not a Presidential win make. I still believe that the Democrats cheated bigly, but that takes pallet-loads of cash to buy that power. It costs even more when the candidate cannot be trusted to leave his basement.
The entire of the Democrat intersectionality (Liberals/Progressives/Socialists) live like 20 year old girls with a “Vision Board” in their dorm rooms. The have their vision and they will manifest it, heedless of the downsides or costs. Thus, they are frozen when high gas prices mean that none of their friends can go to the Sierra Club meeting and make a donation that will get bundled to make a substantial donation to the Democrat Party. Or, when United Auto Workers union members (late Father and Brother currently) figure out that the government’s electric vehicle subsidies and mandates will cost their jobs. Oopsies. Bankrupting major industries (oil, gas, and coal) means that the Left-leaning CEO’s can’t fund their donations to Planned Parenthood.
They can’t see how destroying the economy from the “bottom up and middle out” hurts organizations that depend upon fund-raising and donations. Pity.
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