UPenn hosting "We hate Israel" fest

As Jews prepare for the High Holidays, the most sacred season in the Jewish calendar, the University of Pennsylvania is gearing up to hold an anti-Israel festival.


Next week, UPenn will host some of the world’s worst Israel-haters and antisemites to support the ‘free exchange of ideas,’ Israel-based journalist Emily Schrader reported Wednesday on the Ynet news website. The event, involving activists and outfits linked to Palestinian terrorist groups, is taking place under the cover of the ‘Palestinian literature festival.’

Organized by the Islamic Relief USA, a ‘charity’ accused of funding Gaza-based jihadist group Hamas, the festival will feature an array of notorious speakers ranging from rabid Western antisemites to supporters of Palestinian terrorist groups, news reports suggest. Speakers include rock star-turn-Israel hater Roger Waters and fired CNN contributor Marc Lamont Hill.

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