Rules for the boss of the Chicago Teachers Union

If you told me I’d share anything in common with the vicious racist hypocrite and Marxist Chicago Teacher’s Union boss Stacy Davis Gates, I would have said you were a drooling madman.


But wait: Stacy Davis Gates and I share one thing in common we share with our kids. And it’s beautiful. It’s so damn beautiful that I could cry.

We appreciate The Beautiful Game, which Americans call soccer, but those who love it call it futbol. Our twin sons played it growing up through high school and college, and still play today. But we did not move to the suburbs for soccer. We moved to the suburbs, and paid those crushing property taxes, for the schools.

Davis Gates used soccer as the excuse for engaging in school choice and enrolling her son in a private Catholic high school, after loudly declaring that school choice was racist and fascist, even as she tried to use union power to kill Illinois Opportunity Scholarships and deny school choice to thousands of black and brown families.

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