UAW president: Democrats have abandoned us for their Green New Deal

The UAW says workers at General Motors, Ford, and Stellanits deserve a pay raise of 36%, and unless the union can come to an agreement with the automakers by midnight Thursday, the auto workers will go on strike. Not all of the UAW’s criticisms are directed at Detroit’s three major automakers; the union is also upset with the Biden administration and the Democratic Party for its subsidies to the electric vehicle industry, warning that the rush to push EVs is overlooking the security and protection of the American auto worker.


“UAW members feel abandoned by the Democratic Party,” former UAW President Bob King told POLITICO in an interview, saying that Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act has failed to benefit union workers. “I think there’s a segment of the Democratic Party that sees itself as serving corporations rather than the common good. … We’ve had a lot of disappointments.”

[I don’t think that means they’ll suddenly become Republicans, but a split between the UAW and Democrats could be a big problem for Biden et al. Democrats rely too heavily on union organizing for GOTV ground-game efforts to survive long while unions are unhappy with them. — Ed]

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