Despite billions invested in apartheid resorts and the support of foreign tourists from “free” nations willing to enjoy a cheap vacation in a totalitarian tropical hellhole, tourism is Cuba is at a 10-year low.
National Office of Statistics and Information (ONEI, by its Spanish acronym) data released by economist Pedro Monreal on Twitter indicate that, if First Semester 2023 trends remain the same, the number of visitors at the end of 2023 will fluctuate between 2.3 and 2.9 million tourists.
“Tourism statistics for January to July indicate there is a probability that when 2023 ends, the number of visitors will fluctuate between 2.35 and 2.9 million, a number that is quite far from the initial objective (already discarded) of 3.5 million visitors. This would be a level similar to the one from 10 years ago,” stated the expert.
[It’s amazing that Communist poverty has been this much of a draw for tourists in the first place. Shame on those who exploit oppression for cheap vacations. — Ed]
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