Copycat POTATUS plagiarizing again?

President Joe Biden has long sparked controversy with instances of plagiarism, but one former editor of the Harvard Journal on Legislation has recently come forward with details of a particular infraction that he says shows “consciousness of guilt.”


The president has previously admitted to prior plagiarism instances, including one in which he plagiarized an article from a law review while attending school, per the New York Times.

Earlier this week, Heritage Foundation Vice President Roger Severino outlined his alleged experience in 2000 when he edited a Biden-penned article on civil rights and was “shocked by the plagiarism” he found.

“Cite checking involves formatting case citations under highly prescribed rules and searching Westlaw to make sure the cases haven’t been overruled or superseded. Because I was interested in the article’s topic (civil rights) I read a bunch of the cited cases all the way through,” he posted. “That’s when I noticed that a certain turn of phrase in an opinion sounded oddly familiar even though it was my [first] time reading it.”


[When appropriate, I always turn to this Politico headlineThe People Who Said Biden Isn’t Smart Are Looking a Bit Dumb – for the clearest of how the media has carried this thoroughly corrupt and unlikable moron into the Oval Office. His intelligence is feral and only sufficient enough to move his grift forward. As larding his accounts often aligns with his party’s aims, and Biden is brash enough to be a mouthpiece, the two have been able to work comfortably hand in glove. ~ Beege]

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