Cry racist, and let slip the dogs of progressivism

These accusations have become one of the sole tactics of the left in its political campaigns. A lot of people will put up with an awful lot – crime and mismanagement and even mental and emotional abuse of their own children – in order to not ally themselves with supposed racists. The left knows this and plays on it. They don’t have too much else to offer except a free lunch, which is of great appeal to some. But those who are relatively (or very) well off are looking to virtue-signal by making sure they never, never ever, vote for someone the MSM has labeled a racist.


And it is so extreme that it actually doesn’t matter whether the candidate is white or not. Vivek is an honorary white person – but conservative black candidates such as Larry Elder are also honorary white people, and white supremacists at that, when they dare to run for office.

[NN concludes with a conundrum facing Republican voters in this cycle. — Ed]

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