Of course, “principled” is the key word there. When you’re a black supremacist, as Ms. Price is, the stopping point may not be principled exactly, but it’s easy enough to figure out. It’s where the goodies run out for your Most Favored Identity Group. All the stuff about “disparate” this and “disparate” that is just code for the racist grab-bag. It’s the first cousin to the way “diversity” is used as code in college admissions to make sure whites, and Asians in particular, get sent to the back of the line while blacks get spots they didn’t earn (and will probably lead to their failure). …
It never occurs to liberals that young people might “decriminalize” themselves by acting as if they had at least a semblance of empathy, or if not that, could pretend to have learned just the rudiments of civilized life. But when we’ve spent generations teaching them that they are merely the passive vessels of adverse social forces, and therefore that only others and never themselves are responsible for their behavior, what were we expecting?
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