“It’s sad,” she told Fox News. “No one should feel good about seeing that any more than we should feel good about seeing Dianne Feinstein, any more than we should feel good about a lot of what’s happening or seeing Joe Biden’s decline.”
“What I will say is, right now, the Senate is the most privileged nursing home in the country,” Haley added. “I mean, Mitch McConnell has done some great things and he deserves credit. But you have to know when to leave.” …
“I think that we do need mental competency tests for anyone over the age of 75, I wouldn’t care if they did them over the age of 50,” Haley told Fox News in the interview.
[The first is a good point, the last is a silly sound bite. We don’t have “tests” for federal office beyond what is written in the Constitution, and for good reason. Are we supposed to *trust* the same medical establishment with that electoral test that got so much wrong about whether Americans could conduct commerce and education? Hard pass. — Ed]
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