The establishment's long knives come out for Elon

The big reason is that he’s a powerful figure who isn’t under the control of the establishment.

When he saw how the establishment was using Twitter (in collusion with various government agencies, we now know) to suppress speech it didn’t like, he bought Twitter and put a stop to it. …


The surest proof the knives are out is a Ronan Farrow “exposé” in The New Yorker: “Elon Musk’s Shadow Rule: How the U.S. government came to rely on the tech billionaire—and is now struggling to rein him in.”

Exactly what business it is of the United States government to “rein in” a figure remains unclear, but the establishment doesn’t trust any power center it cannot control.

[It’s an excellent column, but the answer could be simpler — revenge. Musk blew the lid off the Big Brother tech/government censorship complex by exposing their communications, and they want payback. What’s been so remarkable is how ineffective Musk’s foes have been. So far, anyway. — Ed]

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