Garland stiffs Congress on Hunter-related subpoenas

This letter shows precisely why Garland elevated Weiss to a special counsel. Following the spectacular collapse of Hunter Biden’s sweetheart plea deal last month, he needed to put an additional layer of protection between Hunter’s wheeling and dealing and President Joe Biden.


Unless and until the House opens an impeachment inquiry, which would greatly enhance their powers to investigate, the obstruction on display in Uriarte’s letter will remain the norm.

But evidence of the president’s involvement in the family influence peddling business is piling up like snow. There’s way too much information out there for the DOJ to keep a lid on it now. And that evidence is slowly being corroborated by eyewitnesses and bank records. And the gatekeepers, including Garland, Rep. Dan Goldman (D-NY), White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, and the entire legacy media are beginning to look like dopes.

[No surprise here. The House could sue to force compliance and likely will do so, but they can also defund Weiss’ special-counsel office to force the matter from a different direction. That will take cooperation in the Senate, though. — Ed]

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