Come on, men: Bull Durham edition

When Nathans questioned Nicholson’s tablet decision, the umpire wasn’t having any of it and threw him out of the game. That led to a heated argument where Nathans actually follows the umpire down the first base line before the ump bumps into him – a big no-no when it comes to league rules. You can yell, you can mock, you can prance around and dance, but once a player or umpire touches another one, their day is over.


The local game broadcast later panned to umpire Nicholson doing the long walk of shame to exit the ballpark through the outfield walls.

The entire ordeal lasted over SIXTY-ONE MINUTES.

[For a *minor league* game? Come on, man. Er, *men*, because this wouldn’t have gone on this long without multiple participants. I’ve never seen an umpire get ejected, but it’s pretty clear why it happened. I’d be looking for another career if I were that umpire, because an MLB contract probably isn’t in the cards after this viral clip. – Ed]

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