Menstruation is not a men’s issue

The Liberal Democrats are on a mission to put the ‘men’ into ‘menstruation’. This week, the party accepted a policy motion on period poverty for debate at its conference next month. The motion, proposed by Rebecca Jones, a 20-year-old trans activist, asserts that ‘menstruation is not just a women’s issue’. Apparently, it ‘also affects some trans and nonbinary people’.


This upside-down thinking is in keeping with Lib Dem leader Ed Davey’s belief that ‘transwomen are women’, as he stated in an interview with LBC’s Nick Ferrari earlier this year. ‘Of course’ some women have penises, he also said. Presumably, the gender-befuddled Davey also believes it follows that some ‘men’ have a muff and can menstruate.

The policy motion itself is about so-called period poverty, which has long been a talking point among bien-pensant liberals. It should go without saying that every woman and girl should be able to afford sanitary protection. Yet someone who can’t afford £5 each month to keep aunty flow contained will probably be struggling with more pressing concerns, such as being able to afford heating, eating and rent. The overarching issue here is one of grinding need, which won’t be solved with freebie towels and sanitary pads. With high-street stores closing en masse and food-bank queues growing longer, whether taxpayers should fund free sanitary protection is not an issue being discussed by most shoppers queuing in Tesco.

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