* A lot of Republicans now think you should have run the pandemic more like DeSantis did in Florida (even though they might not have said it at the time). It seems to me that before March 10th, 2020, you were planning to run it that way. And you were listening to your public health advisors from the CDC and NIH. Is that correct?
* What was shocking to me was when you seemed to pivot 180 degrees in just a few days, from saying that it would not be worse than a bad flu season, to announcing that we would throw everything we had at it, locking down the whole country, and investing trillions of dollars in keeping the economy shut down. It was especially surprising that you agreed to the economic shutdown. What made you change your mind?
[Lerman notes that Tucker Carlson apparently already completed the interview with Trump that will go up on Twitter during the debate. Will Tucker ask any or all of these? He might; while he’s definitely someone that fits within MAGA, Tucker is also aware of the moment that he’s creating in this debate distraction and how it will be perceived. If all he offers is softballs or limits the discussion to the prosecutions Trump faces now, it won’t do much for Tucker’s reputation as a tough scrutinizer of politicians. — Ed]
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