Mayo Clinic hires leftist woke extremist to train on 'racial equity'

“Robin DiAngelo, the author of the bestselling antiracist book, White Fragility,” has “insisted that racial minorities should separate themselves from white Americans,” notes the National Review. Her book argues that minorities can’t be racist, stating that “people of color…lack the social and institutional power to be guilty of “racism,” because “the impact of their prejudice on whites is temporary and contextual.”


Legally, these claims are wrong. So it seems like a bad idea for an employer to have DiAngelo train its employees, who may act on DiAngelo’s ideology by creating separate race-based affinity groups that violate the civil-rights laws, or ignoring racism by black employees that can lead to civil-rights claims against an employer. At least two federal appeals courts have ruled that employers can be liable under the civil-rights laws for allowing black employees to racially harass whites.

But the Mayo Clinic is paying DiAngelo to train its staffers, reports Campus Reform. She’ll also be talking about white people’s “complicity in anti-Black terror and subjugation”[.]

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