The shameless media partisans who praised Biden's Afghan disaster

Two years ago this week, even liberal journalists were appalled by the disastrous incompetence of the Biden administration regarding the botched withdrawal from Afghanistan. Yet quickly the most shameless partisan journalists identified themselves by deciding to praise, rather than criticize, the disaster that all could see with their own eyes.


On July 8, 2021, President Biden assured Americans: “The likelihood that the Taliban will run the whole country is highly unlikely,” and that the military forces of Afghanistan were “as well-equipped as any army in the world.” Just six weeks later, on August 15, the Taliban seized Kabul as the Afghan military completely collapsed.

The broadcast networks made no attempt to sugarcoat the unfolding disaster. “A catastrophe for its people and a debacle for the Biden administration,” NBC’s Savannah Guthrie announced on the August 16 Today. “The quick takeover described as, ‘Saigon on steroids,’” ABC’s Robin Roberts concurred, referring to America’s ignominious evacuation of Vietnam in 1975.

[I’m a “Never forgive, never forget” kinda gal about this. ~ Beege]

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