Lately, we’re seeing an emboldened public employee union effort that has led Los Angeles city workers to recently go on strike. Last month, the same agency (PERB) that largely killed off the San Diego pension measure has gutted San Francisco’s charter provisions forbidding public employees from going on strike.
Mission Local noted that such provisions were “enacted following chaotic 1970s-era public employee walkouts.” Hey, the nation is enduring Jimmy Carter-style inflation, so why not throw bouts of labor unrest into the mix just for nostalgia’s sake? And everyone is getting in on the action, as highly paid prison doctors and psychiatrists authorized a strike early this month.
Let’s just admit to reality: Taxpayers actually work for our public employees rather than the reverse. As long as that’s the case, public services will never improve and your tax burden will only increase.
[Be sure to read the whole story to find out how many California Highway Patrol officers earned more than $400,000 in total compensation last year — the same salary as the US President. The entire compensation and pension systems for PEUs are unsustainably demented. — Ed]
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