Meet the Never Trumper Trump uses to attack DeSantis

Online, Filipkowski, a former Republican now devoted to trolling the GOP, is a different person altogether. He is a social media obsessive — or savant, or both — sharing an endless stream of photos, videos, political dirt and, at times, biting political commentary with the roughly 750,000 followers he has on X, sometimes blowing up a politician’s comment or gaffe with attention. …


Filipkowski said he is in contact with far-right activist Laura Loomer and people affiliated with Donald Trump’s campaign. It’s not to boost Trump (whom he has been agitating against since the 2020 campaign) but to upend their mutual enemy: DeSantis.

“I’m probably the top anti-DeSantis person on Twitter. So if [rivals] have something anti-DeSantis that they want to get into the mainstream, they’ll send it to me,” Filipkowski said, without disclosing the name of anyone on the Trump campaign he’s worked with. The Trump campaign declined to comment.

[I suspect this will come up when Trump demands unity from the other candidates in the primary. Karen will have more on this later. — Ed]

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