"Blind Side" actor: Leave Sandra Bullock alone

Quinton [Aaron] called Michael’s accusations ‘heartbreaking,’ and explained that he was ‘under the assumption’ that Michael and the Tuohys had a good relationship up until the news broke on Monday. …


‘Sandra just suffered a loss and everything, so I’m pretty sure she’s probably trying to stay out of the [spotlight] and just handle her situation as best she knows how,’ he said.

‘I heard some pretty disturbing things people were saying about her, and I’m not behind that.

‘Leave her alone. Don’t come for my mama. I’m six-foot-eight, 400-plus pounds, and you don’t want those problems.’

[Noted. It’s not clear why people would attack Bullock over a family dispute over money anyway, but good on Aaron for stepping up to defend his friend and colleague. Aaron has some interesting points about how Hollywood needs to engage with all of the principals when making “based on a true story” films, and suggests that Oher might have felt better about the film if he’d been more a part of its creation. It might have avoided the hard feelings that Oher had aired since the film’s release and which apparently led to this feud. It’s worth reading. — Ed]

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