It doesn’t matter to the left how they ban guns. They will go after them with onerous purchase regulations. They will try to confiscate them using “Red Flag” laws. They will increase costs with ridiculous registration and purchase fees, and increased fees levied against retailers. They will restrict the right to carry weapons for self-protection to narrowly defined and useless places. They will demonize guns in the media…even anthropomorphizing them…as if guns were sentient and able to act on their own!
And when the American people resist those attempts, and the courts find them to be unconstitutional, the left immediately pivots to other attacks. Their playbook is long and dense and filled with untested theories and insanities, but they do not care. Because guns are the holy grail of the American left. If they can gut the 2nd Amendment of the United States Constitution, they will be able to act with impunity in the destruction of our other rights.
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