Screeching Democratic child shills

There is a SCREECHING child out there by the name of Harry Sisson who shills for the Democrat Party. Harry is the prototype for the emasculated, feminized soy boys The Left dreams of. There is no Testosterone in his body. He looks like he would be subservient to any Random Girl Boss and he repeats Progressive talking points without an awareness of irony. Take yesterday, he X’d (formerly Twitter) that the Democrats win on policy, and so they don’t need to attack families. Whut?


The way the Republican Party has attacked President Biden and his family is disgusting. Biden never went so low as to go after Trump’s family. Neither did Obama. Neither did Clinton. Democrats don’t need to take the low blows on Republicans. We can run on policy and win.

— Harry Sisson (@harryjsisson) August 12, 2023

Now before I drag Harry Sisson, let me be honest here. He isn’t being paid for his brains or political acumen. Harry is part of Joe Biden’s “Army of Influencers” that I wrote about on May 1. Creepy Joe’s staff thinking these kids posting their ignorance on TikTok is going to win Joe reelection. Their cringetocking has only gotten worse since I wrote that post. I don’t want to waste your time with vid after vid of Harry being a cringey shill, so I picked this video which hits the Sisson Shilling highpoints:

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