There may come a day when the MSM actually covers the Biden corruption scandal, but ...

I just did a little experiment to see how NBC News and Google present the news on the Biden corruption scandal. Say you want to read the latest reporting from NBC News on that subject. You might google “NBC News on House Oversight Committee Hearings.” So I did.


What filled the first screen were three reports: a July 26 report entitled “Lawmakers call for greater transparency on UFOs during hearing,” a June 2 report titled “FBI to show House Oversight leaders document in Biden probe …” and a February 25 report titled “House Republicans seek Treasury testimony in Hunter Biden probe.” If you didn’t look any further, you would be forgiven for not thinking there was any new news to report, right? Nothing new to see, and it must not be very important, right? June and February. Big deal.

But if you scroll down below the first screen’s info, you would find an August 3 report titled “Hunter Biden business associate testifies he has no knowledge …” and a July 26 report entitled “Here are the 5 most memorable moments from Congress’ UFO hearing…”

[… but today is not that day. I started calling it the Protection Racket Media a few months ago. It’s proving to be more accurate than even I guessed it might be. — Ed]

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