After all of this information was released, many people who used to be huge fans of Lizzo expressed disgust and disappointment toward her. The queen of body positivity was quickly losing support; in fact, many fans were downright turning against her. Although these reactions were specifically in response to Lizzo’s lawsuit, you can’t help but notice that body positivity is losing its magic, and perhaps this lawsuit against Lizzo is the straw that breaks the camel’s back.
“I think the body positivity movement is crumbling because all lies have an expiration date,” Hanshaw says. “They are waking up to the deception of all the industries connected to health and the new world order, Big Pharma, GMO food, additives, and poison in the water. All these things add to the obesity epidemic, and it must be extra frustrating for someone trying to lose weight if they are ignorant of these hidden environmental factors.”
Lizzo and other proponents of fat acceptance, such as Tess Holliday (who now claims she is anorexic), are now seen as accomplices in this corrupt game of deception.
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