It’s often said in conservative circles that decline is a choice. This is seldom better illustrated than in what is on display now in America’s largest and most prominent city. The increase in crime is not just “cyclical.” It’s not because of COVID. It’s not because of some murky social factor that academics will try to cover up with impenetrable jargon. It’s because of specific policy choices New York made with its eyes more-or-less open — choices that small-time (for the moment) stealing is something we’re going to live with because, well, you see, thieves gotta thieve. And we need to be more compassionate…….giving…….inclusive……..
The author’s closing line captures it better than I could: “Progressive architects of New York’s post-2019 criminal-justice regime, from state lawmakers to DA Bragg, claim that they want to keep minority men out of prison. Now, one is dead, and another sits in a failing jail, hoping that a grand jury refuses to indict him for murder. This is progress?”
[If you *want* civilizational collapse, then yes, it’s progress. I’m reminded of Al Pacino’s rant at the end of “The Devil’s Advocate,” in which Satan (not exactly a spoiler) explains why he chose to be a lawyer, “The law gets us into everything,” he says, “it’s the ultimate back-stage pass.” Pacino then says that his firm will get acquittal after acquittal to destroy the foundation of civilization as order breaks down. This sounds more and more prophetic to me as time goes on. — Ed]
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