A Georgia Lowe’s employee was allegedly fired after she tried to stop three shoplifters reportedly making off with $2,100 worth of merchandise, according to police.
Sixty-eight year-old Donna Hansbrough was working June 25 at Lowe’s when three suspects entered the store and reportedly “loaded multiple items into shopping carts and exited the store without paying for the merchandise,” police said.
“Donna Hansbrough attempted to stop one of the subjects by grabbing the shopping cart. Hansbrough did not at any time make contact with any person. The cart that Donna grabbed was in the possession of subject Takyah BERRY,” police said. “After Donna grabbed the cart, BERRY struck Donna in the face three times causing Donna’s right eye to swell and blacken. The total value of the merchandise that was stolen is $2,101.00. The two male subjects were identified as Jarmar LAWTON and Joseph BERRY. Joseph and Takyah are uncle and niece.”
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