A new book, Fight by Flight by Pastor Joel Webbon, advances the view that it’s OK to leave deep-blue states. Indeed, such trends could shape future elections for the better. As Webbon says, “If less than 100,000 conservatives/Christians living in California had moved to Arizona, Georgia, Nevada, or Wisconsin before the 2020 election, the whole world might look different. 6 million votes for Trump in California, and all we needed was 76, 514 (less than 1 and a half percent).”
It’s worth considering. Conservatives/Christians feel pressured to stay in places where they have little effect. In Sharon’s case, a move to Texas from California would honor her father and mother. She’d also have more time with her children and husband. She’d have more money to spend on essentials and experiences that reflect her family’s values. And as for her evangelical tradition? Not everyone is called to be a professional missionary, and there are mission opportunities in Texas.
When is it time to flee a deep blue hellhole?
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