MSM pounds "Sound of Freedom" while ignoring IRS whistleblowers

Reporters are treating “Sound of Freedom” like it’s Watergate 2.0.

Meanwhile, media outlets are either downplaying or covering up one of the biggest news cycles in recent memory. The drip-drip-drip of proof the U.S. government rushed to protect a Democrat’s son from the long arm of the law matters little to the Fourth Estate.


And that’s only the tip of the media corruption iceberg.

To be fair, it’s hard to cover a scandal that goes all the way to the White House when you’re savaging an over-performing indie film.


[How long will we have to wait before the media starts treating child sex trafficking seriously? Will we have to wait for their annual Super Bowl narratives on trafficking? The wait will probably be as long or longer for the media’s “rich get treated easier by the justice system” stories. — Ed]

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