In my last post, I argued that we’ve developed a two-tiered justice system, in which ordinary people have to take their losses in court and adjust their behavior accordingly, but Our Masters on the Left can just blow by their losses and, with utter impunity, keep right on keepin’ on. I noted two examples: President Biden’s determination to continue his gigantic loan “forgiveness” program still without the Congressional approval the Supreme Court held is constitutionally required; and his and his allies’ continued, if not even more aggressive, determination to persist with anti-white racial balancing by hiding it or calling it something else (or some other subterfuge I haven’t thought of but they will).
It appears that I underestimated how far the Left wants to go and is urging Biden to go. Enter Prof. Mark Tushnet of Harvard (one of the two losing universities in the racial balancing cases). Harvard, please remember, has one of the top law schools in the country, and Prof. Tushnet is one of its most prominent teachers. …
OK, I give up. This is impossible to parody. Could anyone produce a clearer statement of the Left’s belief that there is no such thing as positive law and no such thing as an independent judiciary; there is only “these-are-my-preferences-and-so-this-is-what-we’re-going-to-do-period.” And isn’t that precisely the behavior — the willfulness and aggressive disregard for law — for which the Left wants to give Trump about a hundred years in the slammer?
[This is an old-fashioned fisking that one must read in its entirety. And Bill only goes through half of Tushnet’s demand for dictatorship so as to restore democratic institutions, like the autocratic racial discrimination regime at Haaaaahhhvaaaaahhhd. — Ed]
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