Huawei, one of China’s largest state-controlled technology corporations, has become the poster child for Beijing’s spy operations in America and is already banned from selling some of its equipment in the United States due to mounting concerns that it is vulnerable to CCP espionage operations. But the Biden administration has delayed action on an outright ban on Huawei’s purchase of U.S. technology, likely to avoid upsetting the Chinese Communist government at a time when American diplomats are working to diffuse tensions.
Rep. Mike Gallagher (R., Wis.), the House China Committee’s chairman, called this delay unacceptable during the Thursday hearing, and pointedly asked each Biden administration official in attendance: “Do you believe that U.S. technology should go to a company that spies on the U.S., like Huawei?”
“No,” responded Ely Ratner, the assistant secretary of defense for Indo-Pacific security affairs.
Daniel Kritenbrink, assistant secretary of state for East Asian and Pacific affairs, also said, “No,” adding that: “We should take steps necessary to defend our national security. We will and we have.”
[That’s encouraging, but as Gallagher noted, administration actions are currently speaking louder than words — and trailing behind them, too. Kredo has more, but if this really is a change of position in substance as well as rhetoric, it’s notable. Perhaps the lack of commitment on Biden’s green agenda during John Kerry’s recent visit has the White House desiring some payback? — Ed]
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