The difference between boundary and demand

When I read those text messages, I saw an insecure narcissist who was using the language of therapy (a favorite dialect in the progressive crowd) to manipulate and gaslight a woman who was probably doing all of those same things when he met her.


Is it reasonable for a man to want his romantic partner to refrain from inappropriate male friendships or to not show too much skin? Is it reasonable to want your partner to spend the most time with you? Yes, of course. No romantic relationship can survive without safeguards and boundaries. See “the Pence rule.”

But that’s the difference. Mike Pence infamously caught a lot of flack for saying he never meets alone with other women. Either his wife is with him or he just doesn’t do it. The left acted as if he were saying he just couldn’t control his rapist instincts unless his wife was present. What he was really saying is that he chooses not to open himself up to rumor, innuendo, accusations or even temptation. What he was saying is that he chooses to revere and protect his marital commitment.

The difference between what Pence says and what Hill says is that Pence is putting the onus of protecting his relationship on himself.

[This is the smartest take I’ve read so far on the Jonah Hill/Sarah Brady controversy. That doesn’t surprise me, as Kira is one of the wiser persons I’ve known. — Ed]

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