Relying on the “expertise” of these activists bedecked in such markers of wisdom as “Progress Pride” flags and Antifa buttons, I asked: “Which book are Republicans most afraid of—which book have they banned the most?”
This question puzzled the woman with the Antifa button, who finally handed me a copy of the graphic novel “Drama” by Raina Telgemeier.
“This one is banned all over,” she assured me. …
I called a few left-leaning journalists of my acquaintance on K-12 education beats at Chalkbeat, Education Week, CNN, and USA Today. None had ever heard of any efforts to ban “Drama.”
[Read on to find out why. As always, don’t buy into the use of the word “ban” by these activists in the first place. Even for books that parents do want removed from school libraries, the books are still available in bookstores, public libraries, and of course on line. If a library doesn’t carry my book “Going Red,” I’m not going to accuse them of banning it for its conservative political content. The use of the word “ban” is absurd. — Ed]
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