"Punch a TERF": The violent misogyny of the trans movement

At the ‘London Trans+ Pride’ march on Saturday, Sarah Jane Baker – a violent male ex-con who identifies as a transwoman – took to the stage and advocated for punching so-called trans-exclusionary radical feminists (TERFs), a slur for gender-critical women, in the face:


‘I was going to come here and be really fluffy, be really nice and be really lovely and queer and gay and laugh’, he told the crowd from the platform. ‘But if you see a TERF, punch them in the fucking face.’

Here was a man – who served 30 years in prison for kidnapping and attempted murder – suggesting that women who disagree with him, who want to advocate for their rights, who don’t want violent males like him in their changing rooms, should be assaulted. And the crowd responded not with stunned silence, or a collective intake of breath, but with whoops and cheers.

[Come and see the violence inherent in a nihilist ideological movement! The trans movement intends to erase women, and see violence as a natural extension of that erasure. These people are not interested in tolerance — they want full-on celebration OR ELSE. — Ed]

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