The Putin cancer rumors aren't going away

Following last month’s brief mutiny by Wagner Group chief Yevgeny Prigozhin, there is no denying that Russian President Vladimir Putin has been greatly weakened. While the rebellion was short-lived and more importantly unsuccessful – although its exact purpose remains one of debate – it likely has shown that Putin isn’t invincible.


Moreover, it follows months of rumors that the Russian leader could be suffering from a serious illness.

It was last November that a leaked intelligence document claimed that the 70-year-old strongman had been diagnosed with early-stage Parkinson’s disease, and it was reportedly already progressing. According to sources, Putin was also being regularly “stuffed with all kinds of heavy steroids and innovative painkilling injections to stop the spread of pancreatic cancer he was recently diagnosed with.” In addition to pancreatic cancer, the Russian leader may also have prostate cancer – the documents alleged.

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