The Bank of England thinks men can get pregnant

The Bank of England (BoE) has declared that men can get pregnant. Yes, you read that right. According to a report in The Times, the central bank’s policies were recently changed so that now they say that pregnancy is something that men, women and a host of other ‘genders’ can experience.


The Times reveals that the BoE’s beancounters have gone to extraordinary lengths to try to court the trans lobby. Last year, the bank submitted an application to be included in Stonewall’s list of the top-100 employers for LGBT people. In doing so, the bank was sure to emphasise all the things that made it an ‘LGBT friendly’ workplace. As it turns out, it had a lot going for it on this front.

The BoE’s submission to Stonewall reveals that, since 2021, its family leave policy has used the gender-neutral term ‘birthing parent’ instead of ‘mother’.

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