In light of his other contributions, it is easy to take George Washington’s humility for granted. Indeed, Washington had the stature and power to take the American experiment in a radically different direction. In many ways, the US Founding is an anomaly. Normally, a revolution leads to a military takeover of government. Heroes supposed to free the people usually create their own tyranny “for the nation’s sake.” France’s Napoleon, Colombia’s Simón Bolívar or Rome’s Julius Caesar derailed their local constitutional processes. Like the Roman statesman Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus, who voluntarily returned to his farm at the height of his power, Washington did not fit the revolutionary mold. Instead, he resigned when his mission was accomplished. This is the First President’s biggest contribution to American constitutional government.
Most Americans take for granted Washington’s political restraint. Our careful study of Latin American politics and institutions reveals Washington’s humility is nothing short of extraordinary.
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