What comes to your mind when you think of standing? Waiting? Boredom? Wasted time? I think we’ve imagined that standing is a passive activity that doesn’t require much effort, but that’s not true when we’re talking about standing for the Lord.
I won’t insult your intelligence by saying that standing for Jesus is always easy. It is not. It will require you to live with a purpose beyond what is on your daily schedule. It will mean putting Him before everything and everyone — even family, friends, and career.
It will require you to make daily decisions to stand both for godliness and against ungodliness. We are called not just to hold the ground we’re standing on now but to look ahead for opportunities to take new ground. That means we are on offense and defense at the same time. We stand for truth and righteousness. We stand for holiness and purity. We stand against evil and against anything that threatens families or the church. We stand at home. We stand in the workplace. We stand in the community. We stand . . . and we keep standing.
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