Imagine the following fantastical idea. An inquiry is set up into the nature of something – anything – in modern Britain. It is staffed by the usual combination of quangocrats and wokeistas. Its job is to investigate whether everything is hunky-dory, or whether there could be some – any – evidence of past injustices.
The participants know that top marks and maximum media attention are always awarded to such committees if they manage to pin the label of “systemic racism” on the thing being investigated. What are the chances they come back and say, “Actually there’s nothing to see here. Everything looks fine”?
The answer is very near to zero, as we are now reminded on a weekly basis. Scouring our past and present and declaring it “institutionally racist” or somehow insufficiently inclusive has become the abiding bureaucratic game in modern Britain.
This week, it was the turn of cricket to be so described. A report by the “Independent Commission for Equity in Cricket” (ICEC) found that English cricket allegedly suffers from “widespread and deep-rooted” racism, sexism and elitism. Urgent reform is apparently badly needed. Goodness.
[They want everything we love gone, that made us unique and free individuals, on BOTH sides of the pond. The British are just a step and a half ahead of us caving into them. ~ Beege]
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