Could Biden actually lose the nomination?

What if a real challenger entered the Democratic race? A candidate who cannot be dismissed as a kook or a fringe figure or an unnamed “other?” What if a serious Democrat emerged to say, “We all appreciate President Joe Biden’s decades of service to this country. We’re grateful for his leadership in a difficult period in our history. But now it is time to move on to a new generation of leaders, and I ask you to join me in building on President Biden’s achievements to create a stronger future together.”


Something like that. (There are good reasons I am not a Democratic speechwriter.) The idea would be to lavish praise on Biden, and reaffirm the principles on which he has governed, while reminding voters that he is a million years old and possibly unable to serve until 2029, as the next president will be required to do.

That might produce a serious challenge to Biden and a real chance of a new Democratic candidate in the 2024 general election. But who might that candidate be?

[“It just takes one courageous person,” Byron writes. It would have to be someone of standing within the party, though, and neither RFK Jr nor Williamson qualify. Newsom is a joke for reasons that we’ve covered plenty. It would likely have to be another governor, as the Senate is already precarious for Democrats as it is. But whoever comes forward would have to get past Kamala Harris and her progressive-diversity enforcers, and the Supreme Court may have made that more difficult yesterday. — Ed]

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