The trannies are the biggest threat to LGTBQIA2S+ because the T-girls are mean bullies who hate women as they dismiss them as cis and TERFs. The T-girls really are going after children. The T-girls have attacked and damaged women’s sports by having males compete in women’s sports. The sports media, which sees every player who goes against societal norms as the next Jackie Robinson, hailed William Thomas who competed under the pseudonym Lia Thomas and won a bunch of NCAA swimming trophies. …
But the tranny hatred of women goes beyond the cis and the TERFs all the way to the L word. You see, the T-girls claim to be lesbians. It is pretty sick and they are using their status as the Hot New Cause to attack lesbians.
NBC noticed this a few years ago, reporting, “The letters LGBTQ often appear together, but the people the letters represent are not always as united. And now, decades-old animosity between transgender activists and radical lesbian feminists — who have conflicting views on gender — has reached a boiling point on social media and in real life.
“A point of contention is lesbian erasure — an idea that lesbians are systemically erased and ignored within male-dominated LGBTQ activism and mainstream media, and a belief that transgender activism, which aims to protect the rights of a small and highly marginalized group, allegedly harms women, and lesbians in particular.[“]
[It’s not limited to “lesbian erasure.” Transgender ideology is a nihilist movement to erase human biology altogether and to pathologize the norm while normalizing the fringe. Lesbians are just the first casualties. Feminists are next. — Ed]
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