It isn’t worthwhile to catalog, every day, the outrages that emanate from liberals. Their hatefulness, their irrationality, their crudeness–these things are depressing and should be noted only occasionally. But the destruction of the Titan submersible prompted some liberal reactions that shouldn’t be ignored. …
Then there is the New Republic. I am so old, I can remember when the New Republic was a respectable magazine. I am not sure whether it is still published, or exists only digitally. In any event, it seems desperate to make a splash. This is perhaps the stupidest take on the Titan tragedy:
Welp, I guess we should hope they all die slowly and gasping in terror, then.
Congrats @newrepublic you found a new low on Twitter!
— Matt Taibbi (@mtaibbi) June 22, 2023
[It’s the triumph of politics over humanity. We see this far too often, especially in the Very Online Community. — Ed]
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