The bodies of the five people who perished on the Titanic sub will likely never be recovered because they would have been so badly damaged in force of sub’s implosion, says a former Navy surgeon who specialized in treating the crew of submarines.
“Much like an airplane flying into the side of a mountain at high speed, I doubt there are any human remains left to be recovered,” retired Capt. Dr. Dale Molé tells The Messenger.
Molé, who spent a decade in the undersea community on both submarines and deep-sea submergence vehicles, tells The Messenger that passengers on the Titan submersible probably died instantaneously when it imploded.
[Yes, that’s both the bad news and the good news. The same forces that destroyed the bodies also accounted for the instantaneous, suffering-free death. But even if human remains could be found, the depth at where the wreckage rests would make them almost impossible to retrieve. — Ed]
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