Straight men are now “gynosexuals,” and just another of the many flavors of gay. … Men’s Health has an “Astroglide resident sex researcher”?


This explains so much.

I could see some usage for the word “gynosexual” if it lets me be straight and unhasseled about not accepting male transsexuals as women. But they didn’t say that, so the word apparently doesn’t confer the benefit of not having to pretend to be sexually interested in Men Wearing Party City Wigs.

[The irony of this is that the same construct would turn straight women into ‘homosexuals’ for being attracted to men. All of this is absurd, a way to build constructs and terminology to (a) pathologize the norm and (b) normalize the fringe. The same is true of the use of “cis” and “cisgender.” That is the entire genderqueer movement in a nutshell, which is where it belongs. — Ed]

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